Thursday, December 29, 2011

Here to do some small little updates~
December been so far ..... so good.....

A few little pictures of update!
This few people I met during my project,
great working with you guys! <3
Christmas eve with alex, jh and jiaxin!
Supposed to go rebel, but the queue is way too long for us to queue up ):
So we gave up that idea, and head to geylang for our secondary friend's pub!

Basically.... my life is all about work nowwww, so sad ikr.
Well, 2011 is ending in another 4 more days,
summary, I'm going to lead a different and BETTER days than 2011.
I look forward to it, and hope 2012 will be a much better one than 2011.
I want to get into relationships, and see what's so nice.
I wanna have fun, most important thing!

Be it nice/bad in 2011, I'm glad I've learn lessons, and created lots of memories.
I'm glad to meet new friends in 2011, and hope to make more in 2012!
More to go on...... y'know I know. Kthxbye.